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Claimed by Shadow

"CLAIMED BY SHADOW is a non-stop thrill ride from beginning to end, a wildly entertaining romp with a strong, likeable heroine."--Rambles.com


From the book jacket:

A recent legacy made Cassandra Palmer heir to the title of Pythia, the world's chief clairvoyant. It's a position that usually comes with years of training, but Cassie's circumstances are a little...unusual.  Now she's stuck with a whopping amount of power that every vamp, fey, and mage in town wants to either monopolize or eradicate-and that she herself doesn't dare use.

What's more, she's just discovered that a certain arrogant master vampire has a geis on her-a  magical claim that warns off any would-be suitors, and might also explain the rather ... intense attraction between them. But Cassie's had it with being jerked around, and anyone who tries it from now on is going to find out that she makes a very bad enemy...

To read sample chapters from Claimed by Shadow, please click here. 

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Praise for Claimed by Shadow

monstersandcritics.com said:

Magic aplenty populates this fast moving, rather dark tale of power, corruption, double-dealings and painful attractions as Cassie comes to grips with her new role in this follow-up to TOUCH THE DARK. It is nice to see a strong, capable heroine taking charge with a kick butt attitude while attempting to balance right and wrong in the face of impossible odds.

Ms. Chance is a master at fleshing out her secondary characters and keeping her storyline moving at a lightening fast pace.  Cassie remains the funny and smart heroine we came to love in book one.  She solves her own problems and trusts her intuition.  This is a series well worth getting hooked on.

Rambles commented:

Like the previous novel, CLAIMED BY SHADOW is a non-stop thrill ride from beginning to end, a wildly entertaining romp with a strong, likeable heroine. The story is fast-paced and barely lets up from the word "go," lightened with plenty of wry humor and more than a dash of romance.  It's obvious that Chance has even more wonders to reveal, and I am very much looking forward to the next installment of Cassie's adventures.
Explorations SF/F Reviews had this to say:

Blending contemporary fantasy, romance, and horror into an appetizing literary amalgam, the crossover appeal of Chance's Cassie Palmer saga will undoubtedly find a more than welcoming audience with fans of authors like Laurell K. Hamilton, Kim Harrison, and Charlaine Harris. Chance's left-of-center sense of humor -- in particular, bastardized Latin one-liners like "stercus accidit" -- makes this relatively lighthearted series a fast-paced and highly entertaining read.
ck2skwipsandkritiques.com gave Claimed by Shadow 5 clovers, its highest rating!

Cassie Palmer is back and better than ever! I found it very hard to put CLAIMED BY SHADOW down for anything as false leads and changes in direction bring the intensity to a fever pitch.
There is no end in sight to Chance’s fantasy world. Her imagination is still revved up and raring to go.

The Romance Studio gave Claimed by Shadow five hearts, their top award!

CLAIMED BY SHADOW is a highly imaginative action adventure and dark fantasy with a strong female heroine. This is one of the most imaginative stories readers will ever come across. Readers will find themselves drawn in and totally enthralled so be prepared to lose yourselves in this story from beginning to end.

The Road to Romance said:

Karen Chance is a new writer that you want to watch. CLAIMED BY SHADOW is the sequel to TOUCH THE DARK and both were a joy to read. The complex story kept me on the edge of my seat, and I loved every moment. Fabulous, complex characters and wonderful storytelling make this one for the keeper shelf.

Romance Reviews Today commented:

The much anticipated sequel to TOUCH THE DARK, CLAIMED BY SHADOW picks up right where Cassie left off in the first book, infused with a power she doesn't want.  From tacky Vegas showgirl costumes to moveable tattoo parlors to a zombie Elvis, Karen Chance takes readers on another wild ride with never-ending action.  CLAIMED BY SHADOW
should not be missed.
Romance Junkies gave Claimed by Shadow a five ribbon rating--their best!

CLAIMED BY SHADOW is a wonderfully quick read.  It will have you sitting on the edge of your seat wanting to see where Cassie turns up next – the past, present or future.  Ms. Chance is a definite “must read” due to her creation of this new world – even if you can only go there in your dreams.