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Freebies: Deleted Scenes and

  This is the home for everything that's not technically a story. It includes scenes from the books that we loved, but nonetheless had to cut, and extras that don't fit anywhere else. Click on the title to read that selection, but beware--there are spoilers ahead! Reading deleted chapters before the books in question is not advised.   

A previously unseen chapter from Death's Mistress!

A previously unseen chapter from Hunt the Moon (#1)! 

A previously unseen chapter from Hunt the Moon (#2)!

Deleted scene Reap the Wind

A previously unseen chapter of Reap the Wind.

Pritkin POV Tempt the Stars

A Pritkin POV scene from Tempt the Stars.

Shadow's BaneA deleted scene from Shadow's Bane.

Halloween 2012: Tales from a Fridge

Note: This photo story was done to assist with our annual Halloween Contest, 2012. The results can be found here.