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Fan Art


A great deal of fan art has been submitted through the years, along with fan-written stories and other content, to the various contests we've run. That can be seen on the blog (click the News link above), and in links from the Contests page itself. But occasionally, things are sent in just for fun, and it seemed a shame to have nowhere to showcase them.

So, we hereby present the new home for non-contest-related fan submissions. It also holds leftover gallery content/basically anything we didn't have another place for. So welcome to a crazy, wonderful archive of fan creativity. 

Louis-Cesare as Justice

Leila outdid herself with Louis-Cesare, the perfect figure for the justice tarot card!

Louis-Cesare as Justice

Mircea as the Emperor

Leila's ongoing series of tarot cards has reached Mircea, whose strong personality lends itself well to--what else? The emperor card.

Mircea as the Emperor

Cassie as a Tarot Card

Leila Rheaume sent in another great tarot card, this one featuring Cassie! She looks perfect -- thaks, Leila!

Cassie as the High Priestess

Pritkin as a Tarot Card

Leila Rheaume sent in a wonderful tarot card featuring Pritkin! Of course, he's the magician, lol. Love it!

Pritkin as the Magician

A Vetala

Nobriellen Farm just sent in this great pic of a vetala! Doesn't ring a bell? Check out the Pritkin story "Shadowland" on the Freebies page.


One of our favorite submissions ever came from the super talented Leanne Dormody, who wrote a song based on the Cassie Palmer series!  

Lacking any kind of musical talent whatsoever, we're always in awe of the musically inclined, and even more so when they use their talent to make something utterly awesome (seriously, give it a listen). We'd love it even if it wasn't about our books!

Leanne explained that she wrote it after reading the chapter in Embrace the Night "where Cassie first sees Mircea on the bed and he looks deathly, which is when she vows to make sure the spell would be broken between them."

Leanne was kind enough to allow us to share it with all of you. Just click the title opposite to hear the mp3. Hope you enjoy it as much as we did!

I still hear your voice,
calling from afar,
reminds me to touch the dark.
Silenced by the fear,
of all left behind.
Gives me time to embrace the night.

I will not be tied.
I will break this bind.
You have on me (tonight)

Right there when I saw you
I swore up above, I would not give up cause I,
Knew right then that you were,
The only reason I was still in this world.


[Fading away]
I still hear your voice,
calling from afar,
reminds me to touch the dark.

Anime Cassie

Benedetta Laurenzi created this beautiful anime Cassie!

Anime Cassie


Our fans run the gamut of abilities from the musical to the visual arts, 'cause they're awesome like that. The uber-talented Melody Bjorvand submitted, for no other reason than that it was Tuesday or something, the following amazing hand-drawn image. We give you the smooth, the dangerous, the possibly-crazy-but-in-a-good-way, the newly-minted senator, the honorable Zheng-Ze!

Mircea and Louis-Cesare by Miz Draconia

Then we have several images commissioned from the incredibly talented (and amazingly patient!) Ida Larsen, aka Miz Draconia (visit her Etsy shop here) for the gallery. Many of the Gallery images are Ida's work, but these two ended up not being needed. Yet it seemed a shame for them not to be seen, so they've found a new home here. So here they are, two brooding (but still oh-so-pretty) vampires, Mircea Basarab and Louis-Cesare de Bourbon!

Mircea seems to inspire a lot of people! He would, of course, not be surprised by this. The lovely and talented Leila Rheaume sent in this pic of Mircea posing in some of his trademark Armani. Thanks, Leila!

Valeri Merrell proves that it isn't just Mircea who is inspiring! Here is her version of Pritkin, entitled "Just back from Hell." More of Valeri's work can be found on her DeviantArt page here. Thnak you, Valeri!

The talented artist who goes by Riogirl9909 sent in a great pic of the three leads, all getting along (for a few seconds, anyway!) A larger, wallpaper-sized version is available in her gallery.

Thanks, Rio!

Carol at Equestrian Afictionado Photography did a fun manip of Cassie and Pritkin. Awesome job, Carol!


The talented artist who goes by Riogirl9909 made two great versions of Marco. Both were so well done that it was impossible to choose, so a contest was held on Facebook and the winner was put in the Gallery. But it was a shame not to display them both, so here is another version of Cassie's intrepid bodyguard.

Thanks, Rio!


The runner up in the fan vote for Artemis. Also by the very talented Rio!

And finally, something just a little weird (from us? Oh surely not!)  But just to show how dedicated some readers can be, here is a tat one received shortly after Claimed by Shadow debuted. She said she was inspired by the bastardized Latin featured at Dante's. Stercis Accidit indeed!