Your Birthday Spread
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Your Present Position in the World

Three of Cups

One of the nicest cards in any tarot deck is the Three of Cups. So who else to grace ours but the Graces themselves? Daughters of Zeus and the mermaid Eurynome, they were nymphs of high spirits, friendship, and socializing. Gracing the trains of both Aphrodite and Hera, they also brought joy and laughter to romance and marriage. Drawing the Three promises a good time ahead!

Your Goals for the Next Year

Page of Cups Reversed

Eros is more often depicted as a handsome young man than as a chubby child, and its in this guise that he met and fell in love with a beautiful human woman, Psyche. But Psyches sisters were jealous, and attempted repeatedly to break the couple apart. Likewise, the Two of Cups indicates trouble in paradise: arguments, deception, and breakups are possible.

That Which Empowers You

Page of Swords Reversed

Paris eloped with Helen because Aphrodite had promised him the most beautiful woman in the world for his bride. The fact that Helen was already married, and to the crazy king of Sparta, wasnt his problem, now was it? Ummm . . . . You know, enthusiasm is a great and wonderful thing, but maybe a little more thought needs to go into a certain situation just now.

Powers You Need to Develop

Three of Swords

Hercules kingly cousin, in an ongoing attempt to get him killed, sent him to deal with a huge, nasty tempered boar. Herc did it, and then brought the boar back alive, to terrify his much less macho tormentor! Feeling betrayed? Has a close relationship gone to hell? The Three of Swords understands, but inflicting your pain on others rarely helps.

Your Present Material Self

Ace of Swords Reversed

After defeating the minotaur, Theseus agreed to help a friend acquire the beautiful Persephone for a wife. Just one problem: she was already married, and to Hades, god of the underworld! Nonetheless, the two set off and managed to enter Hades kingdom -- only to immediately fuse to the rocks, unable to move. The Ace of Swords reminds that rash action has a cost.

Your Present Emotional State

The Page of Swords

Aphrodite had promised Paris that Helen of Sparta would be his bride, but how to get them together? She solved the problem by sending Paris to Sparta as an envoy, at a time when Helens husband was away. And then sent Himeros (god of desire) to seal the deal. Likewise, you can reach a desired end more easily through diplomacy than force today.

Your Present Spiritual Self

Ace of Cups

Our Ace of Cups is Oceanus, believed by the ancient Greeks to be the physical manifestation of the wild, rolling oceans. That makes sense as Cups is the suite most associated with water. It is also the suite of our emotional life, and the ace is overflowing with all sorts of emotional rewards: love, joy, and productivity are in the cards for you now.

That Which Opposes You

Page of Pentacles

Science fiction isnt new. Take the "giant" Talos, for instance, which was basically the worlds first robot: a big, bronze automaton made by Hephaistos, and gifted by Zeus to his lover Europa as a bodyguard. Likewise, you are at the beginning of a bold new venture, maybe entrepreneurial, that has the potential to remake your world in a new way. Go for it!

What You Need to Do to Realize Your Goals

Seven of Cups

Sirens had the heads of women, the bodies of birds, and sang like angels. But angels they werent. Their favorite pastime was luring sailors to their deaths with their song. Likewise, something may be tempting you now, but its an illusion, offering temporary pleasure in exchange for possibly permanent damage. Dont fall for it.

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Karen Chance