Your Birthday Spread
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Your Present Position in the World

Queen of Swords

The Amazons, a tribe of warrior women, allowed no men to live with them, except for slaves. To preserve their numbers, they occasionally visited a nearby tribe, but any male children who resulted were returned to their fathers. Likewise, the Queen of Swords is about choosing intellect over emotion, and making decisions based on logic rather than sentimentality.

Your Goals for the Next Year

Two of Pentacles Reversed

The Two of Pentacles reversed features Chloris, nymph of youth and flowers. On this card, she is echoing the poet: "gather ye rosebuds while ye may, old Time is still a-flying: And this same flower that smiles to-day, to-morrow will be dying." In other words, partying is great, but sometimes, you have to buckle down.

That Which Empowers You

Queen of Pentacles

Demeter was the great goddess of the harvest, who presided over the fertility of the earth. She is therefore perfect as our Queen of Pentacles, a card that rules wealth and fertility, a down to earth practicality, and material wishes being granted. Anyone drawing this card can expect compassion, generosity, possibly a motherly influence, and, ultimately, success!

Powers You Need to Develop

Eight of Swords

The Sphinx was sent by Hera to guard the road to Thebes. Any passersby had to answer her riddle or be devoured on the spot. Right now, you may be feeling similarly trapped or censored. Unable to move ahead until you say what someone else wants to hear or do what they want you to do. If fear of criticism or harsh words is holding you back; speak your truth and move on.

Your Present Material Self

The Sun Reversed

The sun reversed indicates a period when you may be acting under false assumptions. Like an overly bright light, something is blinding you to the reality of the situation, and lulling you into a false sense of security. Everything seems fine -- even wonderful -- but the reality may be very different.

Your Present Emotional State

The Hanged Man Reversed

The Hanged Man reversed warns of the dangers of seeing things from a single, limited perspective. Prometheus was able to see past the price he would pay for helping mankind to the good that it would do. Likewise, if you look at your situation in a new way, you may find opportunity in apparent adversity.

Your Present Spiritual Self

Ten of Pentacles Reversed

Persephone was kidnapped by love-struck Hades, and dragged into the Underworld, causing her mother Demeter to go into a serious funk. And since Demeter controlled the seasons, her daughters absence made it constantly bleak winter. The Ten reversed is telling you that your work/life balance is off, too, and need to be fixed before the freeze becomes permanent.

That Which Opposes You

King of Cups Reversed

The sea can be still as glass on the surface, while tsunamis are forming the depths. Likewise, when this card comes up in a reading, someone may not be feeling the way you think they are. Trusting this king is a gamble; a master of the emotions is also a master at manipulating them. Watch out for lies, deception, and someone using your emotions against you.

What You Need to Do to Realize Your Goals

The Hierophant Reversed

Chiron, the famous centaur, might have been wise, but he wasnt always an original thinker. But with the Hierophant reversed, you can be. Nows the time to think outside the box and see solutions where others see only obstacles.

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Karen Chance