Your Celtic Cross Spread
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The Significator represents you and your current state of being.

Two of Swords

Ever heard of being on the horns of a dilemma? Yeah, thats basically you now. And thats Hercules with the Golden Hind, the pampered pet of Artemis, a goddess you did NOT want to cross. But bringing back the Hind was one of Hercs labors, and if he didn’t do it, he didn’t get immortality. Likewise, you may be feeling stuck, or be facing a quandary right now.



The Crossing Card denotes that which opposes or influences you.

Ace of Cups

Our Ace of Cups is Oceanus, believed by the ancient Greeks to be the physical manifestation of the wild, rolling oceans. That makes sense as Cups is the suite most associated with water. It is also the suite of our emotional life, and the ace is overflowing with all sorts of emotional rewards: love, joy, and productivity are in the cards for you now.



The Foundation card addresses the origin of your question.

Seven of Swords Reversed

Hades showed up to claim King Sisyphus for the underworld, but Sisyphus didn’t want to go. So he asked Hades to demonstrate how his unbreakable chains worked -- and then used them to trap their master! He hoped to live forever, but was eventually forced to release his captive by the gods. Likewise, if you think you’re getting away with something now, look again.



The Recent Past represents past events and concerns.

Two of Cups

On her own, Scylla (above) was a feared sea goddess, but pair her with Charybdis, a massive and very dangerous whirlpool, and she was able to turn to Straights of Messina into the ancient Greek equivalent of the Bermuda Triangle. Sunk ships, sunk ships everywhere! Find your other half, partner up and see what kind of power you can generate.



The Crown addresses issues that are significant in the present or may come to pass in the future. This card foretells future events which you may or may not occur, depending upon how you respond to the present situation.

Seven of Swords Reversed

Hades showed up to claim King Sisyphus for the underworld, but Sisyphus didn’t want to go. So he asked Hades to demonstrate how his unbreakable chains worked -- and then used them to trap their master! He hoped to live forever, but was eventually forced to release his captive by the gods. Likewise, if you think you’re getting away with something now, look again.



The Future depicts that which lies ahead.

Death Reversed

Hades, God of the Underworld, spent centuries bemoaning the lack of a dating scene in hell, until he finally got his act together and kidnapped the beautiful Persephone. Likewise, the Death card reversed warns of a life in danger of stagnation because the risks necessary to succeed are not being taken.



Emotions card signifies the current state of your emotional self.

Page of Wands

Hephaestus was the Olympian god of fire, metalworking, stonemasonry and sculpture -- a really creative guy. He made many of the magical items used by gods and heroes alike, including a golden throne for his estranged mother, which wouldn’t allow her to stand up! His challenge, and yours, is to channel creativity into positive things, instead of using it to get in trouble.



External Forces represents the influence of others in your life as well as trends in your relationships with others.

Temperance Reversed

Revenge is great and all, but you know whats better? Not having to waste your life seeking revenge. There is a reason freed slaves used to lay their chains at the feet of a statue of Hebe, our goddess of temperance, peacemaking and clear-eyed pragmatism. They were saying “the past is behind us, and we’re moving on."



Hopes and Desires stands for the hopes and desires you have for the outcome of your question.

The Star Reversed

The Reversed Star represents pessimism, doubt and obstinacy. There is a way out of your current problem, but you are too bummed to see it. Yes, the night is dark and full of terrors (thanks, George R.R. Martin!) but its full of beauty, too, if you know where to look.



The Outcome the ultimate outcome your question. Remember the future is not predetermined. Interpret this card in the context of the entire reading and as an indicator of the path you are currently on, but not bound to. reading.

Four of Wands

Terpsikhore, the muse of dance, is laying down a sick beat because you deserve it. So get up and dance! A celebration/graduation/promotion is in the cards for you.



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