Your Celtic Cross Spread
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The Significator represents you and your current state of being.

The Emperor

The emperor card stands for strength, assertiveness and all around macho-like-behavior. Like Zeus, king of the gods, who was accused of a lot of things, but being a shrinking violet was never one of them. But, you know what? Sometimes, macho isnt so bad. If you don’t take charge of your own life, someone else will do it for you -- and you may not like where you end up.



The Crossing Card denotes that which opposes or influences you.

Six of Pentacles

Philanthropy was important to the ancient Greeks, and the more you had, the more you were expected to give. Wealthy businessmen often gave back by sponsoring plays, such as the one the actors on our card are preparing for. Likewise, the Six of Pentacles is about a time when you have an abundance. How about using some of it to help your fellow man?



The Foundation card addresses the origin of your question.

Five of Swords Reversed

Hercules had a hell of a battle with the Lernaean Hydra. Multiple heads, poisoned blood, and a vicious temper do not make for a fun fight. But he finally managed it, and discovered afterwards that its poisoned blood was perfect for dipping his arrows in! Thanks, Hera! You, too, may soon see the silver lining in a recent cloudy prospect.



The Recent Past represents past events and concerns.

Ten of Wands

Clio, muse of history, knows a lot of facts but one great truth: theres always another battle, another war, another upheaval. You can focus on those, on the struggle, and see nothing else. Or you can look for the beauty and grace and kindliness that are there, too. Take a break, soldier!



The Crown addresses issues that are significant in the present or may come to pass in the future. This card foretells future events which you may or may not occur, depending upon how you respond to the present situation.

Five of Swords Reversed

Hercules had a hell of a battle with the Lernaean Hydra. Multiple heads, poisoned blood, and a vicious temper do not make for a fun fight. But he finally managed it, and discovered afterwards that its poisoned blood was perfect for dipping his arrows in! Thanks, Hera! You, too, may soon see the silver lining in a recent cloudy prospect.



The Future depicts that which lies ahead.

Seven of Pentacles Reversed

Hecate, goddess of witchcraft, was also goddess of the crossroads, areas where many paths intersect before going in different directions. Drawing the three of cups reversed indicates that you are on a path that is no longer working for you. But a crossroad is coming up, and you can choose another way.



Emotions card signifies the current state of your emotional self.

The Fool

This card represents your imaginative, visionary, childishly optimistic side. Some part of you is yearning, like Icarus, to fly toward the sun, or like Captain Kirk, to boldly go where no man has gone before. You want to see new things, experience adventures, wear bad velour costumes and still get the girl! This is the card that asks, if crazy schemes work, are they still crazy?



External Forces represents the influence of others in your life as well as trends in your relationships with others.

The World Reversed

Gaia, Mother Earth, gave birth to all that is, only to watch in frustration as half of it tried to kill the other half. This card represents the weariness you feel when all your hard work on a project hasn’t been quite enough. As unfair as it may seem, more time and energy are needed to bring about a desired result.



Hopes and Desires stands for the hopes and desires you have for the outcome of your question.


Athena, Goddess of Justice, famously let Orestes off the hook for killing his mother. He was guilty as hell and everybody knew it, but punishing him was likely to cause a major feud and many more deaths. Likewise, the Justice card signifies that the outcome of a matter will be fair in the universal sense of the word (best for the most in the long run).



The Outcome the ultimate outcome your question. Remember the future is not predetermined. Interpret this card in the context of the entire reading and as an indicator of the path you are currently on, but not bound to. reading.

The Tower

This wild ride of a card heralds a new life heading your way at top speed. You may feel inclined to step off the tracks before this oncoming train crashes into you, but don’t worry, it probably wont be an Athenian tragedy. The Tower upright usually precedes a change that can remake your life in a positive way. And if not, you’ll finally get to collect on all that insurance.



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