Your Cross and Triangle Spread
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You the Significator and Your Life Force

King of Cups

Born on land but ruling the sea, Poseidon combined the active quality of air with the emotional quality of water, and frequently fought in both realms. Likewise, this is a card for making your emotions work for you in other areas: an actor or musician using emotion to bring realism to a performance, or a businessman using charm and diplomacy at work.

That Which Influences Your Thoughts

Six of Pentacles

Philanthropy was important to the ancient Greeks, and the more you had, the more you were expected to give. Wealthy businessmen often gave back by sponsoring plays, such as the one the actors on our card are preparing for. Likewise, the Six of Pentacles is about a time when you have an abundance. How about using some of it to help your fellow man?

That Which Influences Your Emotions

The Hierophant

Chiron, the wise centaur and tutor to many demigods, is our Hierophant. A lover of tradition and ceremony, he was known for valuing the many positive aspects of conformity. Or, you know, for being an old stick in the mud. But the first one sounded better, didnt it?

That Which Influences Your Spirit

The Lovers

The Lovers card is all about choices, romantic or otherwise. Like Ares with Aphrodite, you may soon discover a person, career path or pastime that will completely enthrall you. The question is whether its the right choice in the long run.

That Which Influences Your Physical Self

The Hermit

Diogenes, the first Cynic, famously lived in a broken water pot and owned almost nothing. When the Hermit card comes up in a reading, it advises you to take a moment to step back from the way society measures success and reflect on what is really important.

Forces that Oppose You

Ace of Wands Reversed

The Ace of Wands reversed is about feeling unmotivated/uninspired. The creative fire associated with the Wands suite is conspicuously missing. You need to remember what used to excite you, and reignite the spark.

Other Forces that Oppose You


Like Hercules, who completed twelve supposedly impossible labors to win immortality, this card indicates a time in which you can overcome even the greatest of challenges.

Energies You Need to bring to the Forefront

The Page of Swords

Aphrodite had promised Paris that Helen of Sparta would be his bride, but how to get them together? She solved the problem by sending Paris to Sparta as an envoy, at a time when Helens husband was away. And then sent Himeros (god of desire) to seal the deal. Likewise, you can reach a desired end more easily through diplomacy than force today.

The Outcome

Eight of Cups

Triton, the first merman, must have been a bit of a surprise to mommy and daddy (Poseidon and Amphitrite, god and goddess of the sea) because, um, they both had legs. But his unusual biology turned out to be an advantage, allowing Triton to dive deeper than anyone. Likewise, you would like to find deeper meaning in life. And this card suggests you are well equipped for it.

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Karen Chance