Your Cross and Triangle Spread
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You the Significator and Your Life Force

King of Pentacles

Along with Demeter, Dionysius was one of the two great gods of the earth. So he is a fitting King of Pentacles, the suite associated with earth. Specifically, he ruled wine making, fertility and madness. In other words, Dionysius knew how to have a good time! And if you drew this card, so should you. The King of Pentacles tells of a happy and prosperous future.

That Which Influences Your Thoughts

The Magician Reversed

Among other things, Hermes, our magician, was the god of gamblers. The Magician reversed reminds you of the old saying that, if you’re at a poker game for more than ten minutes and can’t identify the sucker, you ARE the sucker.

That Which Influences Your Emotions

The Queen of Wands

Aphrodite is our Queen of Wands, and not just because of her association with outward beauty and sex appeal (also aspects of the Queen of Wands). But because of her confident, outgoing and fiery nature, that believed she could make any conquest she chose and succeed in any task. She was optimism personified, and if you drew this card, you have reason to be, too.

That Which Influences Your Spirit

The Knight of Wands

Our card shows one of the Dioscuri (better known as the constellation Gemini). They were often worshipped by sailors, who believed that they appeared in the form of St Elmos fire on the rigging of ships, to give protection from storms. In a reading, the Knight of Wands signifies adventure, travel and possibly a vacation over water or abroad.

That Which Influences Your Physical Self

Nine of Swords

After Achilles died, his good friend Ajax claimed his divinely made armor, but his army voted to give it to someone else. He flew into a rage so fierce that, if Athena hadn’t confused his mind, he would have slaughtered his own allies. He killed himself afterward, in shame for losing his temper and his honor. Guilt or despair may be plaguing you now, too. Dont give in!

Forces that Oppose You

Ace of Pentacles Reversed

Artemis was the goddess of childbirth, of all animals, of the hunt, of agriculture, of death and rebirth, and of the Moon. These traits are identical to those of the great Mother Goddess of the Neolithic. But an all-powerful female deity didn’t fit ancient Greek ideals, so she was demoted. Likewise, the reversed Ace warns that your success may have obstacles.

Other Forces that Oppose You

Six of Cups Reversed

Iris, the golden winged goddess of the rainbow, is our six of cups. Upright, this card is about pleasure, contentment and fertility. Reversed, it often indicates a separation from these things, or from the people who bring us these things. Iris did double duty as a messenger of the gods. Perhaps there is someone you need to communicate with now.

Energies You Need to bring to the Forefront

Eight of Cups

Triton, the first merman, must have been a bit of a surprise to mommy and daddy (Poseidon and Amphitrite, god and goddess of the sea) because, um, they both had legs. But his unusual biology turned out to be an advantage, allowing Triton to dive deeper than anyone. Likewise, you would like to find deeper meaning in life. And this card suggests you are well equipped for it.

The Outcome

Three of Wands Reversed

The Three of Wands reversed is all about the frustration of an unsuccessful hunt. It speaks of work unrewarded or unacknowledged, and not being able to close the deal. There is hunger but no satisfaction yet.

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Karen Chance