Your Mandala Spread
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Your Self Overall

Five of Pentacles

Hestia, sister to Zeus, was goddess of the home, hearth, and hospitality. Giving food and sanctuary was considered a sacred duty in the ancient world, especially by the followers of Hestia, who would take in even the lowliest of beggars. You may be feeling poor in health, money or acceptance right now, but look around and you will find those willing to help.

Your Ambitions, Desires and Primal Urges

The Eight of Wands Reversed

Kadmos, our hero, slayed a dragon with a rock (okay, it wasnt that great of a dragon) and helped to found a city. Unfortunately, the dragon was the pet of Ares who . . . didn’t take this well. Delay seems probable for you right now, and someone may become a problem.

Your Ideals, Goals, Path to Spiritual Contentment


Athena, Goddess of Justice, famously let Orestes off the hook for killing his mother. He was guilty as hell and everybody knew it, but punishing him was likely to cause a major feud and many more deaths. Likewise, the Justice card signifies that the outcome of a matter will be fair in the universal sense of the word (best for the most in the long run).

Your Real Accomplishments and True Path

Nine of Cups

The great rivers of the ancient world were believed to be gods, maybe because without them, life wouldn’t have been possible. One of the greatest of these was mighty Euphrates, which along with the Tigris, made the Fertile Crescent so extraordinarily abundant. Likewise, the Nine of Cups is all about abundance in your life, in work, love, finances, and emotional well-being.

Your Dependencies, Addictions and Erroneous Values

Three of Pentacles

The horai were the goddesses of the three seasons the Greeks recognized: spring, summer and autumn. Together, they formed the team that saw crops from their start as tiny seedlings through to their culmination as bountiful harvests. Likewise, teaming up could bring you rich rewards now.

Your Strengths and Positive Personality Traits

The Wheel of Fortune Reversed

The Wheel of Fortune reversed reminds us that luck often needs a helping hand. If you want to win that poker game, it might be a good idea to take a few lessons before challenging a master.

Your Faults and Weaknesses

Ace of Wands Reversed

The Ace of Wands reversed is about feeling unmotivated/uninspired. The creative fire associated with the Wands suite is conspicuously missing. You need to remember what used to excite you, and reignite the spark.

Your Self Awareness and Self-Image

Ten of Swords Reversed

Zeus mighty headache turned out to be his daughter Athena, being born by bursting out of his skull (and you thought migraines were bad). But while the process hurt like hell, Zeus ended up rather enjoying his little bundle of angry bravado. In fact, Athena became his favorite child. Likewise, the worst is behind you, and good things are on the way.

Your Desires, and Higher Purpose

Five of Cups

Some pirates kidnapped a wealthy looking guy, but when they tried to tie him up, the rope wouldnt hold. And then he turned into a lion and attacked them! And when they jumped overboard, he changed them into dolphins and laughed as they swam away. Dionysius always did have a sense of humor. Hopefully you will, too, as you deal with the non-attainment of expected results.

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Karen Chance