Your Planetary Spread
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Your Self Overall

The Devil

The Devil card usually stands for temptation, sexual desire and ambition, none of which is bad in and of itself; it all depends on how far you let them go. Pan (who became the model for the medieval image of Satan) was the Greek poster boy of pushing the limits. But then, he was a god. For us mortals, a little restraint can go a long way.

Matters Concerning Your Home (The Moon Card)

Ten of Cups

Abductions in Greek mythology tended to be pretty tragic. But then theres Hylas, who was getting some water one day for him and his mentor Hercules, when he was abducted by some nymphs. But unlike in most stories, Hylas fell in love and happily chose to stay with the nymphs. Likewise, the Ten of Cups is about finding emotional fulfilment, particularly in relationships.

Matters Concerning Business, Skills and Integrity (The Card of Mercury)

The Sun Reversed

The sun reversed indicates a period when you may be acting under false assumptions. Like an overly bright light, something is blinding you to the reality of the situation, and lulling you into a false sense of security. Everything seems fine -- even wonderful -- but the reality may be very different.

Matters Concerning Love (The Card of Venus)

Ten of Pentacles Reversed

Persephone was kidnapped by love-struck Hades, and dragged into the Underworld, causing her mother Demeter to go into a serious funk. And since Demeter controlled the seasons, her daughters absence made it constantly bleak winter. The Ten reversed is telling you that your work/life balance is off, too, and need to be fixed before the freeze becomes permanent.

Matters Concerning Hostility, Opposition and Aggression (The Card of Mars)

Ten of Pentacles

Persephone had it all. Kidnapped by the god Hades, she realized that the god of the underworld was also the god of wealth, and was stupidly besotted with her. So she worked out a deal: half the year she lived with him; the other half, she went back to the world above to visit her mother Demeter. Likewise, the Ten is saying that you can balance wealth and family, too.

Matters of Finance, Acquisition and Wealth (The Card of Jupiter)

Judgement Reversed

When Paris was asked by Zeus to decide which of three powerful goddesses was the fairest, he should have run like hell. Instead, he said okay and asked for bribes! This did not end well for him. Someone may be trying to saddle you with a big, messy problem. Learn from Paris: take a pass.

Matters of the Intellect (The Card of Saturn)

The Chariot Reversed

Medea, the driver of our chariot, achieved everything she ever wanted in life through ruthless ambition -- and lost it all the same way. The Chariot reversed warns of the possibility of defeat, especially if the emotions commonly associated with this card are present: rage, ego, selfishness, and bulling tendencies.

The Outcome

The Queen of Wands

Aphrodite is our Queen of Wands, and not just because of her association with outward beauty and sex appeal (also aspects of the Queen of Wands). But because of her confident, outgoing and fiery nature, that believed she could make any conquest she chose and succeed in any task. She was optimism personified, and if you drew this card, you have reason to be, too.

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Karen Chance