Your Planetary Spread
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Your Self Overall

Four of Cups

The sea nymph Galatea was in love with Acis, a handsome Sicilian shepherd boy. Until the cyclops Polyphemus murdered Acis in a fit of jealousy, that is. Which got him exactly nothing, because Galatea turned her lover into a river and went off with him anyway. The Four of Cups warns of an inability to enjoy what you have/can have, and a destructive focus on what you dont.

Matters Concerning Your Home (The Moon Card)

The Lovers

The Lovers card is all about choices, romantic or otherwise. Like Ares with Aphrodite, you may soon discover a person, career path or pastime that will completely enthrall you. The question is whether its the right choice in the long run.

Matters Concerning Business, Skills and Integrity (The Card of Mercury)

Five of Wands Reversed

The Five of Wands reversed can indicate an end to the crazy, or at least the beginning of the end. Eros up there is still causing mischief, but his victim is getting wise to his games.

Matters Concerning Love (The Card of Venus)

King of Swords Reversed

Jason needed the Golden Fleece, but couldn’t get past the dragon that guarded it. So he seduced Medea, a local witch, into helping him. Jason got his fleece, and also got Medea as a wife, which would have been great if he had cared about her. He didnt, and later discarded her without a thought. The King reversed hints at the abuse of others for selfish gains.

Matters Concerning Hostility, Opposition and Aggression (The Card of Mars)

Page of Swords Reversed

Paris eloped with Helen because Aphrodite had promised him the most beautiful woman in the world for his bride. The fact that Helen was already married, and to the crazy king of Sparta, wasnt his problem, now was it? Ummm . . . . You know, enthusiasm is a great and wonderful thing, but maybe a little more thought needs to go into a certain situation just now.

Matters of Finance, Acquisition and Wealth (The Card of Jupiter)

Five of Pentacles

Hestia, sister to Zeus, was goddess of the home, hearth, and hospitality. Giving food and sanctuary was considered a sacred duty in the ancient world, especially by the followers of Hestia, who would take in even the lowliest of beggars. You may be feeling poor in health, money or acceptance right now, but look around and you will find those willing to help.

Matters of the Intellect (The Card of Saturn)

The World

Gaia, Mother Earth, is our world card. Just as Gaia gave birth to everything, so her card represents birth, new beginnings, fulfillment, achievement and satisfaction. It’s the payoff for hard work, the triumphant end of a cycle and the beginning of a wonderful new phase of life.

The Outcome

Queen of Pentacles

Demeter was the great goddess of the harvest, who presided over the fertility of the earth. She is therefore perfect as our Queen of Pentacles, a card that rules wealth and fertility, a down to earth practicality, and material wishes being granted. Anyone drawing this card can expect compassion, generosity, possibly a motherly influence, and, ultimately, success!

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Karen Chance