Your Relationship Spread
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Your View of Your Partner

Ace of Pentacles

Greek myths portray Artemis as Apollos sister, but other legends tell a different story: of a goddess older than all the rest, and one who never really fit into male-centered Greek mythology. Because she wasnt Greek. And she damned sure wasnt part of the patriarchy. She was the Great Mother of the Neolithic, who is bringing you fertility, growth and abundance now.

Your Partner's View of You

Eight of Pentacles

Erichthonius, an early king of Athens (thats him as a baby on our card), is credited with teaching his people many things: how to capture wild horses and yoke them for plowing, how to make chariots, and how to smelt silver. Likewise, the Eight of Pentacles is all about learning new skills (or furthering your education) in order to improve your current situation.

Your Needs

Judgement Reversed

When Paris was asked by Zeus to decide which of three powerful goddesses was the fairest, he should have run like hell. Instead, he said okay and asked for bribes! This did not end well for him. Someone may be trying to saddle you with a big, messy problem. Learn from Paris: take a pass.

Your Partner's Needs

The Seven of Wands

Eos, goddess of the dawn, leads the procession of the day. On the one hand, the sun is shining brightly on you and you have reached the pinnacle of success. On the other, you know what they say about the guy at the top of the hill: theres always someone trying to knock him off. Stand your ground.

The Current State of Your Relationship

Ten of Pentacles

Persephone had it all. Kidnapped by the god Hades, she realized that the god of the underworld was also the god of wealth, and was stupidly besotted with her. So she worked out a deal: half the year she lived with him; the other half, she went back to the world above to visit her mother Demeter. Likewise, the Ten is saying that you can balance wealth and family, too.

The Path You Would Like to See Your Relationship Follow

The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man signifies that, sometimes, we have to take one for the team. Prometheus (thats him, getting his liver pecked out above) suffered for giving the gift of fire to mankind, something that seriously miffed his fellow gods. But, by his sacrifice, all of humanity benefitted. Sometimes, a personal loss can bring a greater gain.

The Path Your Partner Would Like to See Your Relationship Follow

Seven of Swords

The Swords suite is all about action. But just because youre busy, doesnt mean youre accomplishing anything. The Seven is about expending energy on futile actions, or feeling like any action you take will be useless and thus doing nothing. Like Sisyphus, eternally cursed to roll a boulder up a hill, yet never reach the top, you are in danger of wasting your time.

Aspects of Your Relationship to Consider

The Wheel of Fortune

Like Ganymede, plucked away from his boring, earthly existence by Zeus and given immortality, this card signifies rapid progress and a change of fortune for you. Chance is on your side.

The Outcome

The World Reversed

Gaia, Mother Earth, gave birth to all that is, only to watch in frustration as half of it tried to kill the other half. This card represents the weariness you feel when all your hard work on a project hasn’t been quite enough. As unfair as it may seem, more time and energy are needed to bring about a desired result.

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Karen Chance