Your Relationship Spread
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Your View of Your Partner

The Knight of Wands

Our card shows one of the Dioscuri (better known as the constellation Gemini). They were often worshipped by sailors, who believed that they appeared in the form of St Elmos fire on the rigging of ships, to give protection from storms. In a reading, the Knight of Wands signifies adventure, travel and possibly a vacation over water or abroad.

Your Partner's View of You

Page of Pentacles

Science fiction isnt new. Take the "giant" Talos, for instance, which was basically the worlds first robot: a big, bronze automaton made by Hephaistos, and gifted by Zeus to his lover Europa as a bodyguard. Likewise, you are at the beginning of a bold new venture, maybe entrepreneurial, that has the potential to remake your world in a new way. Go for it!

Your Needs

The King of Wands

Ares is our King of Wands. At his best, he is a forceful leader that is passionate, dramatic, exciting and bold. He gets results by taking risks, and he gets them fast. In the ancient world, hed be Alexander the Great, conquering through revolutionary military tactics; in the modern, hed be Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. Hes telling you to take a risk and innovate.

Your Partner's Needs


Athena, Goddess of Justice, famously let Orestes off the hook for killing his mother. He was guilty as hell and everybody knew it, but punishing him was likely to cause a major feud and many more deaths. Likewise, the Justice card signifies that the outcome of a matter will be fair in the universal sense of the word (best for the most in the long run).

The Current State of Your Relationship

Ten of Swords Reversed

Zeus mighty headache turned out to be his daughter Athena, being born by bursting out of his skull (and you thought migraines were bad). But while the process hurt like hell, Zeus ended up rather enjoying his little bundle of angry bravado. In fact, Athena became his favorite child. Likewise, the worst is behind you, and good things are on the way.

The Path You Would Like to See Your Relationship Follow

The Emperor

The emperor card stands for strength, assertiveness and all around macho-like-behavior. Like Zeus, king of the gods, who was accused of a lot of things, but being a shrinking violet was never one of them. But, you know what? Sometimes, macho isnt so bad. If you don’t take charge of your own life, someone else will do it for you -- and you may not like where you end up.

The Path Your Partner Would Like to See Your Relationship Follow

Six of Pentacles

Philanthropy was important to the ancient Greeks, and the more you had, the more you were expected to give. Wealthy businessmen often gave back by sponsoring plays, such as the one the actors on our card are preparing for. Likewise, the Six of Pentacles is about a time when you have an abundance. How about using some of it to help your fellow man?

Aspects of Your Relationship to Consider

Eight of Cups Reversed

Most children of the gods got superpowers, good looks, and a home on Mt. Olympus. What did Triton get? A fish tail. But instead of doing the fishy version of emo, he lived it up, siring a whole race of merpeople and stirring up storms with his magic conch shell. Triton was a glass half full kind of guy. And with the Eight reversed, you can be, too.

The Outcome

Four of Swords

A symposium in the modern world is a meeting of scholars to discuss new research. In ancient Greece, where the term originates, it was a meeting of scholars to drink until they puked. And to hang out with pretty flute girls (and boys). Modern day symposiums could learn a few things from the ancient Greeks! Likewise, you could be a little less serious about something today.

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Karen Chance