Your Relationship Spread
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Your View of Your Partner

Seven of Swords

The Swords suite is all about action. But just because youre busy, doesnt mean youre accomplishing anything. The Seven is about expending energy on futile actions, or feeling like any action you take will be useless and thus doing nothing. Like Sisyphus, eternally cursed to roll a boulder up a hill, yet never reach the top, you are in danger of wasting your time.

Your Partner's View of You

The Eight of Wands

Our card shows the hero Kadmos confronting the dragon of the Ismenian spring near Thebes. Just like Kadmos, who slayed the dragon and obtained water for the city, you are about to provide sustenance for a long cherished dream.

Your Needs

Knight of Pentacles Reversed

Demeter gave Triptolemus a dragon-powered chariot that he used to fly about Greece, sharing the idea of agriculture. But not everyone was glad to see him. King Lynkos ran him off, fearing that new methods of gathering wealth might weaken his hold over his people. The Knight reversed warns of similar hide-bound behavior that is impeding progress.

Your Partner's Needs

Page of Wands

Hephaestus was the Olympian god of fire, metalworking, stonemasonry and sculpture -- a really creative guy. He made many of the magical items used by gods and heroes alike, including a golden throne for his estranged mother, which wouldn’t allow her to stand up! His challenge, and yours, is to channel creativity into positive things, instead of using it to get in trouble.

The Current State of Your Relationship

Ten of Cups

Abductions in Greek mythology tended to be pretty tragic. But then theres Hylas, who was getting some water one day for him and his mentor Hercules, when he was abducted by some nymphs. But unlike in most stories, Hylas fell in love and happily chose to stay with the nymphs. Likewise, the Ten of Cups is about finding emotional fulfilment, particularly in relationships.

The Path You Would Like to See Your Relationship Follow

Two of Pentacles Reversed

The Two of Pentacles reversed features Chloris, nymph of youth and flowers. On this card, she is echoing the poet: "gather ye rosebuds while ye may, old Time is still a-flying: And this same flower that smiles to-day, to-morrow will be dying." In other words, partying is great, but sometimes, you have to buckle down.

The Path Your Partner Would Like to See Your Relationship Follow

Three of Wands Reversed

The Three of Wands reversed is all about the frustration of an unsuccessful hunt. It speaks of work unrewarded or unacknowledged, and not being able to close the deal. There is hunger but no satisfaction yet.

Aspects of Your Relationship to Consider

Two of Wands

Titan Goddess of the Breeze, Aura, sits with the land on one side and the ocean on the other, reflecting that the world is her oyster. Like a stiff breeze fanning the flames, your creativity and inventiveness are getting an extra boost right now.

The Outcome


Like Hercules, who completed twelve supposedly impossible labors to win immortality, this card indicates a time in which you can overcome even the greatest of challenges.

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Karen Chance