Your Tree of Life Spread
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Your Highest Ideals

Knight of Swords

The Chimera, a fire breathing monster, was just slaughtering the hell out of everyone, until a hero named Bellerophon teamed up with Pegasus and rammed a mass of metal down its throat. The fire breath melted the metal, which suffocated the monster and saved the day! Likewise, you now have the intellectual energy to find an answer to the most difficult of problems.

Your Creative Power

Five of Wands Reversed

The Five of Wands reversed can indicate an end to the crazy, or at least the beginning of the end. Eros up there is still causing mischief, but his victim is getting wise to his games.

Your Wisdom

Five of Pentacles Reversed

Zeus and Hermes visited a city disguised as two wandering beggars. But despite the fact that turning away a stranger was a grave offense to Hestia, goddess of hospitality, no one would give them anything. Until they met an old couple named Baucis and Philemon, who invited them in -- and received wealth and safety in return. Better times are ahead for you, too.

Your Virtues

Two of Swords

Ever heard of being on the horns of a dilemma? Yeah, thats basically you now. And thats Hercules with the Golden Hind, the pampered pet of Artemis, a goddess you did NOT want to cross. But bringing back the Hind was one of Hercs labors, and if he didn’t do it, he didn’t get immortality. Likewise, you may be feeling stuck, or be facing a quandary right now.

The Force of Your being

Page of Pentacles

Science fiction isnt new. Take the "giant" Talos, for instance, which was basically the worlds first robot: a big, bronze automaton made by Hephaistos, and gifted by Zeus to his lover Europa as a bodyguard. Likewise, you are at the beginning of a bold new venture, maybe entrepreneurial, that has the potential to remake your world in a new way. Go for it!

Your Health, Beauty and Altruism

Queen of Swords Reversed

Penthesilia accidentally killed her sister, and in her grief decided that she wanted to die. But as Queen of the Amazons, she had to die in battle, and no one could defeat her. So she joined the Trojan War just to fight Achilles, the greatest warrior of the age, in a suicide by demigod. This card warns of bad decisions when emotions overcome good sense.

Your Loves, Lusts, Artistic Self and Instincts

Six of Swords

Achilles, the demigod son of the sea goddess Thetis, is our Six of Swords. As a young man, Achilles was dressed as a girl by Thetis, who didnt want him going off to war. But a general saw him looking longingly at some weapons on display, and figured it out. Likewise, the Six is about making a transition to a future that suits you better.

You as a Procreator, Designer and Scientist

Justice Reversed

Justice reversed represents injustice, inequality and a lack of mercy or understanding. Or like Athena up there, the goddess of justice, who wasnt above bribing the hell out of the Athenians to get them to worship her rather than Poseidon. Justice reversed says watch your back; someone isnt playing fair.

Your Imagination and Psychic Self

Five of Wands Reversed

The Five of Wands reversed can indicate an end to the crazy, or at least the beginning of the end. Eros up there is still causing mischief, but his victim is getting wise to his games.

Your Physical Self

Queen of Pentacles Reversed

Demeter cursed Erysichthon, who cut down the trees in her sacred grove, to unending hunger. The man sold all that he had to buy food, even selling his daughter into slavery, but it still wasnt enough. He finally died by eating himself! Beware of the Queen reversed, who can be greedy, selfish and vengeful, always craving more but never satisfied.

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Karen Chance