New Character Pic–Lia de Croissets
Today's pic is of Lia de Croissets, whose first book, Junk Magic, recently came out. :-D
Augustine’s 2023 Look Book–Meet the Man and His Creations!
Today's pic is of Augustine, the grumpy fashion designer who occasionally helps and/or irritates Cassie Palmer. But it isn't possible to talk about Augustine [...]
Cassie’s Ballgown
The daily pic is a request from a reader who could never visualize Augustine's magical creations. She wanted to see one of them, and [...]
Billy Joe
Okay, so I have an addiction to AI generated pics and some people enjoy seeing them. I have therefore decided to post one a [...]
Caleb Carter
The last character for a while is Caleb Carter, war mage.
More Characters–Tomas
Tomas is the half Incan, half Spanish son of the fire god.
More Characters
This is Tami, the Vixen Vigilante and below is Hassani, the Middle Eastern consul.
I know I said that I was done, but I had a request for more non-white characters, so I did some. Here's Ming-de, the Chinese [...]
All right, seriously, this is totally addictive, but I am done. I have to go write! But because a lot of people on FB [...]
Last one, I promise, lol! But somebody asked for Casanova, so I thought, why not?