So we come to it, the final category of rejects from my recent character portraits. This is the scary category. You’ll see why.



Okay, I have to admit that the sunglasses are rad and the hair is bitchin’. But otherwise . . . why is she molting? Do trolls do that? I think Olga would have found a moisturizer, is all I’m saying. I do appreciate the AI finally managing to get the right number of fingers on a hand for once, however, even if it thought it messed up. But three actually is correct for trolls, so that was nice.



Okay, I knew this was going to be difficult going in, because Stinky, Dory’s little half Duergar, half Brownie adopted son, is not an easy ask. But I did not expect this . . . whatever it is. Angry raisin? Frazzled cocopuff? Sentient lint ball? I don’t know, but it stares at me in my nightmares.

So, I tried again, and oh . . . oh God . . . oh no! I feel so bad for it. And afraid. But mostly bad! Are those . . . pustules? On its stomach?  ‘Cause its expression says they may be pustules. Not that I really want to know.

Oh, my God! It just gets worse! Make it stop!

That is not stopping! And are those metal teeth? Seriously? When did I ask for metal teeth?

Okay, that’s better. Not really Stinky, but after the journey I’ve been on, I’ll take it. At least he doesn’t look like he’ll eat my face.



Radella is a pixie who had some adventures with Cassie early on in the series. She was described as a Tinkerbell clone, but this . . . isn’t Tinkerbell. I think it’s the feet that are really skeeving me out, or maybe a look at how long those nails (claws) are. Not that I blame her; Faerie is a dangerous place, and you have to be able to defend yourself. But still. Scary.


Anyway, I hope you guys had fun with my weird journey into the very strange place that is AI art. Or at least, got a few laughs out of it (even if they were at how bad my art was, lol!) See you around.