I was messing around with an A.I. art generator the other day and thought that some of the pics of my characters were funny. So, I posted them on my site. I also challenged anyone who thought they could do better to send in their pics.

You know, one day you’d think I’d learn.

Cause they did better–by a whole freaking lot! I forget sometimes how amazingly talented my readers are, and then something like this comes along and reminds me. I give you Mircea by Amy Lia, who in my opinion got him spot on. I love everything about this, from the medieval, Romanian-style coat, to the blood on his face. And what a face! Now you know how he gets away with so much!


But she didn’t stop there. She also sent in a host of other characters, and they are all too perfect not to show off. Here is Radu, so much like his brother, but so different. He looks sweeter, but gives off the impression that you wouldn’t be surprised to see the fangs come out!


Next is Cassie, who manages to combine innocence, wariness and badassery in one look. Her outfit is perfect, her hair is perfect, and for once she looks less like a supermodel and more like the girl next door. Amazing!


And last, but never least, is Pritkin, looking like a true Prince of the Incubi. I’d go to the dark side. I’d go to the dark side real fast.


We also had a gorgeous Dory sent in by another reader, Louise Lily Craddock. Louis-Cesare never had a chance, lol!

I guess the takeaway is that AI is just another tool, like brushes and paint, to help and artist to realize a vision. But as with any tool, it is only as good as the talent wielding it. Thank you, ladies, for sharing your talent with us!