Finally, a firm date for Ride the Storm, the eighth Cassie Palmer novel, is here!


And it’s August, 2017!

That’s later than I’d hoped for, honestly, but better than the November date Penguin had originally rescheduled it for. That date may still be showing on a few online sites, until they get their computers updated, but August is the finalized date. And I am happy to report that there was no argument over length this time. I have no idea why, but I’m thrilled, because this book would have been very difficult to cut substantially. There’s simply no fat in there to trim. At almost 200,000 words, it’s my longest book yet, but it needed to be to wrap up previous storylines. A lot of questions are answered, a lot of fun is had. It was easily the hardest book I’ve ever written, but I hope you’ll also find it to be the best. Thank you for your patience.